Thursday, March 31, 2016

Sing 4ever

Most of the month of March was spent preparing (lineup communication; sheet music reproduction, organization and distribution; etc.) for the Easter Triduum Mass Joint Choir Service. It was tiring, sometimes disappointing (though not disheartening), but very fulfilling. In line with that and for the season of Lent, I successfully got through without softdrinks until the Easter Sunday night. Tried to avoid coffe for the Holy Week but ended up going to Mr. Donut all 2 and a half working days for a cup of coffee. Nevertheless, with the practices went well even though I’m pretty sure I really need to take care of my voice much more than before.

Easter party at kuya Alan’s place was fun though I wish I had brought more brew kettle. How I brought those home from the office was very entertaining. Gladly, I got to go home “early” from the party that I got to sing with Mhae and kuya Manny for our 6:30 AM Mass service. I think I screwed up the part before the Alleluia. I pray that I be forgiven for that.

I’ve been listening a lot to our communion song, I Will Sing Forever, during the Easter Vigil, I remember how great the feeling was, how it amplified the feeling of joy for Christ’s Resurrection. To be part of the preparation and delivery of that song, and of course, the rest of the songs during the Triduum Mass, is a great, great priviledge and honor. It also warms my heart to see/hear my Yamaha BB-414 bass guitar (Abbey), Zoom G1.u effects (Fast Flight), and Laney RB2 (Asuka) Bass Amp make music again through Darren and Henrick.

On work, which I realized was less of a priority to me compared to the joint choir / music ministry, DMCI’s TV5 contract duration is done. I got to miss all the meetings this month. I’m guessing I’ll hand over the meeting attendance to Edison by Monday.

The NLA Workshop has been steadily(?) gaining progress with a couple of Dr. Tanzo dinner trips and a third meeting where he was the one who went to the office. Although that last time, he and boss Danhad dinner, leaving us to figure continue figuring out our next questions and the subsequent answers.

The McKinley project is another steadily progressing matter with productive coordination meetings and email—mostly between M&E and the Architects.

This month, we celebrated our 4th year anniversary. Since the 3-day occasion coincided with Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, Mhaelord and I had some couple selfies, fastfood meals, and the reminder that in simple things and, more importantly, holy things, we are happy together. She is indeed my song.

Hatid sundo times were heartwarming as she usually napped especially during the DST transition and the start of the new trimester where she had less time to sleep. Both schedules are more manageable now and she’s fairly adjusted. Got to do some homework, went for a checkup when she had to miss class and work because of sinusitis, and finally had KR’s starmobile phone checked under warranty. Those were the highlights, though I think everyday is a highlight with her. Oh, there was this one glorietta trip, we just meant to go to confession at greenbelt—which we successfully did—and we ended up having another Mexicalli foodtrip. Holy things, bookstores, and restaurants. I just realized we did have a MOA date where we just intended to buy a couple of items (ended up with a lot) at St. Paul’s Bookstore. We later had lunch at Bulgogi Brothers. Not bad. As I said, everyday, be it “photocopy dates”, grocery time, or whatever, I just love being with her.

On the family side of things, today is a special day, although we didn’t really have time with all of us together, my ate is here and my papa just got back from a seminar in Baguio. Simple family things. Although partly a JMML date, it was kind of a grocery double date with my parents one Saturday at Cash n Carry. Funny and cute thinking about it.

Tuna Pie and Double Fillet o Fish season is almost over. Glad I got a lot of tuna pie and a double fillet o fish before it ended.

And with this month of song and music (oh, I almost forgot the part where I fixed henrick’s guitar though it still needs fixing sometime soon), i’m reminded of how glad I should always be to have music and song in my everyday life.